Saturday, April 21, 2012

Cyber Bullying.

 She sent a buddy request to me that said I'm a hacker I tried to take a picture of that but I ran out of memory in my computer. I honestly have no idea what she is talking about. i just wanted to show this to the Hikara's...

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Pico Day!

                                               Title is awkward because I didn't want to say ''Happy Anniversery'' because that passed a while ago. Anyway from the people left to right. Ally,Ken,Amber and me :D

Batman and the....Joker?!

*dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnn*

Here come's...*Batman!* NO, Ken Chan :D

                                 For those of you in pico who keeps asking me where do I get my outfits...

                                                  This is one of them I call it Joker Time.
                          The socks are from the new April Fool's Jokes Park  (closes at April 16)
                          The hat (my favorite part) is from the April Fool's Jokes park too and so is the bow tie.
                          The earrings are from NYC Downtown and the shirt sadly is from gacha so good luck.
                          The tights are from English Park and the purple scarf is from Newbie Park.
                          The star gloves are from the Star Band Room and the blue skirt is from gacha.