Monday, December 26, 2011

Ameba Pico.....Maintenance

Katie here.

After I finished dinner I went to my room. My laptop was on my desk I put it in sleep mode. When I came back I tried logging into pico only to find its in maintenance. Shouldn't they do maintenance in like 11:00 or when we are in school? o-o I'm going to make stories about the bubblebouncers and their adventures and what not. I'm pretty good at writing or should I say typing stories. I'm just wondering if I'm going to do it like:

Emmi: I'm bored. I hate server maintenance... 
Katie: Me too. I'm going to work on my blog.
Emmi: Good idea. I'll work on mine. 
The official bubblebouncer's site is
Emmi is my pico buddy I also know her in real life too. I would put a pic in but I don't have one I would get one but there is server maintenance =3=''
Moving awwwnnnnn
I might do the story like that or actually type it out in real sentences. /nod~nod
K well thats all for now~


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