Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Model Contest

   ^^Model 1: Miku :D She is a bubblebouncer^^
                                           ^^Model 2:Noodles :D^^
                                                    Model 3 ★クローナ★♥^^

                                              ^^Model 4: Starz She is a bubblebouncer^^
                                             Model 5: Karen She is in Shadow Youth.
        Vote For Them! The Poll Is In The Top Right Corner.
                             This is an Old Pic of me and Emmi when I was a noob.

New Look and Miku :D

 My new look :D
                            Me and Miku hangiung out xD

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ninja Training

Its Rawr,Me,Karen and Len c: We are training. For the Akatsuki mission
We need more members so feel free to join ★§нα∂σω Yσυтн★


Rawr,Lillie and Me we are all afk. c: I took this when I got back but they weren't yet. We are in Akatsuki territory. :3

Monday, December 26, 2011

Kyra :D

Kyra had a heart attack from frustation of making the hotel stairs. ;~;         (Jk) Kyra was but shes ok now :D
Kyra is also a bubblebouncer.

Emmi :D

This is Emmi,one of my best friends I know her in real life too. :] Emmi is also the leader of the bubblebouncers.

Ameba Pico.....Maintenance

Katie here.

After I finished dinner I went to my room. My laptop was on my desk I put it in sleep mode. When I came back I tried logging into pico only to find its in maintenance. Shouldn't they do maintenance in like 11:00 or when we are in school? o-o I'm going to make stories about the bubblebouncers and their adventures and what not. I'm pretty good at writing or should I say typing stories. I'm just wondering if I'm going to do it like:

Emmi: I'm bored. I hate server maintenance... 
Katie: Me too. I'm going to work on my blog.
Emmi: Good idea. I'll work on mine. 
The official bubblebouncer's site is
Emmi is my pico buddy I also know her in real life too. I would put a pic in but I don't have one I would get one but there is server maintenance =3=''
Moving awwwnnnnn
I might do the story like that or actually type it out in real sentences. /nod~nod
K well thats all for now~


Ninja Quest

Katie doing a ninja quest.

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Heyy I'm Katie ^-^~

I play Ameba Pico
I'm a ★Bubblebouncer
My best buddies are: ♡Pяiη¢єѕѕEммι♡ and 愛ღℓιℓ
This is my 1st post hopefully this goes well 
I will probably post things about the bb's and ★§нα∂σω Yσυтн★
§нα∂σω Yσυтн is a ninja clan my friend ☺Rawr☺  made
interested? just send me a message my pico name is ๖ۣۜҡαтιєяσ§ε★
We mostly hangout and have fun~ We are prolly going to assign missions aswell
I hope u guys are having a Merry Christmas~! 
I'm still in my pjs xD
Well thats it hoped u enjoyed it~ ^-^~